Every night as we drift off to sleep, we begin our journey into the land of dreams. Dream symbols reflect our innermost thoughts, fears and desires. While some dreams are fleeting and forgotten upon waking, others linger in our minds, begging for interpretation and analysis.
Vivid dreams, recurring dreams, falling dreams, sweet dreams and nightmares are some of the common dreams that we experience. Some of these may contain dream symbols or themes that we don’t quite understand, urging us to go online in search of clues. It’s almost as if they are puzzle pieces that you have to fix, in order to complete the puzzle.
Dream symbols are objects, people, animals, or scenarios that appear in dreams. Usually, they are of significance to the dreamer whether or not the dreamer realizes it consciously.
Symbols can vary widely and they may be influenced by experiences in real life, cultural background, and the individual’s subconscious mind. Dream symbols can offer valuable insights into one’s thoughts, feelings, and subconscious desires, providing a deeper understanding of the self.
Dream interpretation is the process of examining a dream and giving meaning to its contents. Usually for dream interpretations, the focus is on certain symbols or elements within the dream and analyzing them further.
The mind supposedly uses symbols and metaphors to express emotions, desires, and other feelings that aren’t otherwise acknowledged in our waking life [1].
Each individual can have a personal collection of symbols and their meanings accumulated over a lifetime. For example, seeing a family member or family heirloom in a dream. Other symbols enjoy universal recognition. Here is a list of some of the most common dream symbols that are universally known:
Trees are more important today than ever before. More than 10,000 products are reportedly made from trees. Through chemistry, the humble woodpile is yielding chemicals, plastics and fabrics that were beyond comprehension when an axe first felled a Texas tree.
Baby generally symbolizes innocence, warmth and the potential for new beginnings. It can symbolize aspects of oneself that are pure and untainted, or it may represent the desire for nurturing and care.
Cats are often associated with independence and autonomy. In most cultures, cats are also associated with femininity. Cats in dreams could symbolize a desire for freedom or a need to assert one’s independence in waking life. They may also represent intuition, mystery, or the need to explore hidden aspects of the self.
Crosses symbolize faith, spirituality, and sacrifice. In dreams, seeing a cross may represent a need for guidance or support from higher powers. It could also symbolize a spiritual awakening or a desire for redemption and forgiveness.
Death represent endings and transitions in your own life. Dreaming of death may signify the need to let go of the past or to make way for new beginnings. It could also symbolize the fear of change or the unknown. In some cases, death dreams may reflect feelings of grief or loss.
Drowning in dreams often symbolizes being overwhelmed by emotions or situations in waking life. It may indicate feelings of helplessness or a fear of being unable to cope with challenges. Alternatively, drowning dreams could represent a desire for emotional release or a need to confront difficult feelings.
Fire symbolizes transformation, passion, energy, purification, and destruction. Dreaming of fire may represent feelings for change or a need to let go of old habits or situations to make way for new growth and renewal. It can also signify intense emotions, creativity, or inspiration.
Flying dreams often symbolize feelings of freedom, empowerment, or the desire to break free from limitations. They may represent a sense of liberation or the ability to rise above challenges and obstacles. Flying dreams could also indicate a desire for adventure or exploration.
Food in dreams often symbolizes nourishment, fulfillment, and sustenance. Dreaming of food may represent physical or emotional hunger, desires, or cravings. It could also signify abundance, pleasure, or the need to be nurtured and cared for.
People in dreams often symbolize aspects of the self or relationships in waking life. Dreaming of specific individuals may represent qualities or traits that the dreamer associates with them. Alternatively, people dreams could reflect social interactions, emotions, or the need for connection and companionship.
Snakes symbolize transformation, renewal, and healing. Dreaming of snakes may represent the need to shed old skin or to release repressed emotions. It could also signify a fear of change or the unknown. Alternatively, snake dreams may symbolize wisdom, intuition, or the ability to navigate difficult situations.
Spiders symbolize creativity, patience, and the power to weave one’s destiny. Dreaming of spiders may represent feelings of being entangled or trapped in a situation. It could also signify the need to confront fears or to embrace one’s creative potential. Alternatively, spider dreams may symbolize female energy or the feminine principle.
Most of us probably have not lost a tooth in quite a while. Teeth in dreams often symbolize confidence, power, and self-image. Losing teeth in a dream represents feelings of insecurity, vulnerability, or the fear of losing control. It could also signify the need to let go of old beliefs or patterns to make way for growth and transformation.
Dream symbols vary from person to person and it depends on individual experiences, emotions, or cultural background. However, there are a number of common dream symbols which are universally known. Some of these includes dreams of falling, being chased, flying, teeth falling, death and snakes.
Universal dream symbols are those that appear across different cultures and one that people worldwide, have reported experiencing.
A symbol in a dream can be objects, people, animals, or scenarios that has deep meanings or significance to the dreamer. It usually reflects the unconscious mind’s thoughts, fears, and desires.
Good dream signs vary according to the person’s perspectives and their cultural beliefs. Some positive dream signs include flying, receiving gifts, seeing a deceased loved one, and dreams where you feel joy, peace or contentment.
Mcdermott, N. (2022) Dream Interpretation: What Do Dreams Mean? [online]. Available at: https://www.forbes.com/health/mind/dream-interpretation/