What Does It Mean When You Dream About Fish?

Published: Jul 23, 2021
Updated: Oct 16, 2024
What Does It Mean When You Dream About Fish?
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    Dream Meaning Summary
    If you dream about fish, it may mean that you are receiving power, prosperity, personal growth, or prosperity.

    In different cultures, the fish may have distinctive symbolic meanings. The way you perceive the fish in waking life might influence the interpretations of your dreams. This article will present you with several interesting interpretation of a dream about fish according to different cultures.

    What Does It Mean When You Dream About Fish?

    There are several potential meanings to dreams about fish, including receiving power, prosperity, personal growth, and fertility.

    Dreaming about fish is a wonderful omen. Fish are a symbol of pregnancy because of the huge amount of eggs that fish produce. Fish are always producing offspring on a large scale, so it’s no wonder people see fish as a symbol of pregnancy—plus, a fetus basically “swims” around in your womb, kinda like a fish!

    Whether you see fish dreams as a symbol of literal pregnancy or as a symbol of a creative project, these dreams are a sign that you’ll be happy with the outcome.

    dream about fish meaning

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    1. If I dream about fish jumping out of the water

    A dream about fish jumping out of water is a combination of water, fish, and excitement, likely meaning that something unexpected is coming into our lives—maybe even something life-altering that will change our lives for the better.

    Keep in mind that this dream doesn’t have a negative vibe—fish jumping out of water usually relates to something happy and enjoyable but unexpected.

    2. If I dream of fish in a tank

    A fish tank is constraining, so a dream like this could mean that you feel like there is something or someone in your life who’s holding you back. It’s important to take stock of the people you spend time with. Is there someone who may not have the best intentions at heart?

    Alternately, this dream may mean that you’re having issues working on your creative goals—you feel like you’re in constant contradiction of what you want to bring to life. Getting clear on the situation takes time and energy. Plan out your goals carefully before you take any major steps.

    3. If I dream about fish in dirty versus clean water

    If you dream about fish in clean water, it could mean that clarity is coming into your life. Alternatively, it could mean that you’re exploring your options and gathering information in order to make an assessment in the upcoming weeks. Fish are sometimes interpreted as spiritual animals, so this dream can also be a message to trust your intuition.

    Conversely, if you dream of fish swimming in dirty water, it could mean that your intuition is clogged and you feel “blocked.” You may be repressing emotions or preventing yourself from understanding matters clearly.

    fish swimming in water - dream interpretation

    4. If I dream about fish dying

    Simply put: You need a new outlook on life.

    Unfortunately, you’re feeling like you can’t reach your hopes and goals. This dream is like your subconscious telling you that you’re in need of a pep talk. Maybe you are holding on to the past and need to be more in the present. The less weight you have on your shoulders, the better you’ll feel.

    5. When you dream of catching a big fish

    Dreaming of catching a large fish can symbolize success, accomplishment, and the attainment of significant goals. It may suggest that you are on the path to achieving something meaningful, reaping the rewards of your efforts, and experiencing a sense of fulfillment in your endeavors.

    6. What does it mean to see fresh fish in the dream?

    Seeing fresh fish in a dream can symbolize opportunities, abundance, and vitality. It may suggest the presence of new and positive prospects in your life, as well as a sense of freshness, growth, and nourishment.

    7. Why do people dream about dead fish?

    Dreaming of dead fish can indicate feelings of loss, disappointment, or stagnation in your subconscious mind. It could be a reflection of unresolved emotions or the need to let go of something that is no longer serving you.

    8. What does it signify to dream about eating fish?

    Dreaming about eating fish may symbolize nourishment, replenishment, or satisfaction. It could reflect your desire for fulfillment or the need to feed your mind and soul with enriching experiences.

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    Psychological Fish Dream Meaning

    Dreaming about fish can carry various psychological interpretations based on individual emotions, experiences, and cultural context. Fish in dreams might symbolize emotions, the unconscious mind, or aspects of the dreamer’s personality.

    The dream could also reflect feelings of being immersed in one’s emotions, the need for exploration, or a desire for deeper self-understanding. Exploring personal associations with fish and the emotions evoked during the dream can contribute to a more nuanced psychological interpretation.

    1. What is the dream meaning of a fish out of water?

    Dreaming of a fish out of water may symbolize feelings of vulnerability, discomfort, or being out of place in certain situations. Thus, suggesting a need to adapt, find your footing, or seek support in unfamiliar territory.

    2. Is dreaming of fish lucky?

    The interpretation of dreaming about fish being lucky varies across cultures and beliefs. In some cultures, dreaming of fish is considered fortunate, symbolizing prosperity, fertility, and abundance.

    interpretation of a dream about fish

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    Cultural Perspectives on Dreaming About Fish

    Cultural perspectives on dreaming about fish vary widely, influenced by diverse beliefs, traditions, and societal norms. In many cultures, fish symbolize abundance, fertility, and prosperity, often associated with positive omens or blessings.

    Chinese Culture

    For Chinese people, fish represents luck and wealth in their mind since the word “fish” has the same pronunciation as the word “richness”. The dream meaning of fish in Chinese culture may indicate the opportunity to obtain fortune or peace in reality. 

    Japanese Culture

    In Japan, fish dreams are believed to imply prosperity, good fortune, and the ability to overcome adversity. For the Japanese, the koi fish also symbolizes longevity. Once you dream of fish, it could be a sign of luck and happiness.

    Native American Culture

    The native people of America used to pass their life experience, history, and knowledge from generation to generation through the use of symbols and signs. Fish is one of them. They believe that fish comes from nature and becomes the main sustenance of people’s lives. Thus, its symbolism is associated with prosperity and fertility.


    Dreaming about fish holds different meanings for different people and cultures. Generally, you can take these dreams to be a sign that something positive is coming your way. At the same time, do discern carefully between reality and dreams.

    If you want to learn more about your dreams and their symbolism, here are Common Dream Meanings You Should Never Ignore. You may also find more dream interpretations in our ShutEye® app for free!

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