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What Does It Mean If I Dream of Working?

Published: Sep 23, 2024
Updated: Nov 04, 2024
What Does It Mean If I Dream of Working?
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    7 min
    Dream Meaning Summary
    Dreaming of work even on a weekend away from the office might suggest that you have some underlying stress and anxiety surrounding the work that you do.

    It’s in the middle of the night and you find yourself suddenly jolting out of your sleep, feeling panicky. You’re about to be late for work. Just as you were about to get up and get ready, you glanced at your phone screen and realized it was only 5 AM on a Saturday. Yet another dream about work again.

    If this happens to you often, you might wonder if it means anything significant or if something bad is going to happen. In this article, we will explore what it means to dream of working so keep reading to discover more about such dreams.

    What Does It Mean If I Keep Dreaming of Work Every Night?

    what does it mean if you dream about working

    If you are constantly dreaming of work even on a weekend away from the office, it might suggest that you have some underlying stress or anxiety surrounding the work that you do.

    According to a 2022 survey by Gallup, 44% of people across the world experience a significant amount of workplace stress [1]. Sometimes, this stress can manifest itself in the form of a dream.

    When we sleep, our subconscious mind remains active. Our dreams are influenced by our subconscious mind which means that if we have problems that we stress about in our waking lives, we may end up thinking and dreaming about it at night.

    Stress Factors That May Cause Work Dreams

    stress factors that may cause you to dream of working shuteye

    Some job aspects that you face may be a stress factor, causing you to experience dreams about work. Here are some non-exhaustive factors:

    • Deadlines
    • New responsibilities
    • New co-workers
    • Performance reviews
    • A fierce boss
    • Low salary or compensation

    See also: Sleepy At Work: How To Stay Awake When Tired

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    4 Common Work-Related Dreams

    4 common work related dreams shuteye

    Going a little bit deeper into work dreams, it is not always the case where you happen to dream about yourself sitting in the office, doing the work that you are supposed to.

    Sometimes, it could be about situations or people that you encounter at work or a hidden work-related fear that you have. Below are 4 common dreams that people would have about work and what they may signify.

    Dream of being late for work

    If you have ever been late for work, you would probably be familiar with the stress and anxiety as you keep your eyes on the clock.

    Dreaming about yourself being in this situation could mean that you are anxious or stressed about your job and daily life responsibilities.

    It may also reflect an inner fear of missing deadlines, not meeting your manager or boss’ expectations, or being unprepared for a major task.

    Dream of being fired from work

    The thought of being fired from a job that you enjoy or a company that you like working for, can be frightening. What’s more, if it is a dream? It may seem like a premonition of some sort, putting you in a constant state of flight or fight.

    Dreaming about being fired may stem from job insecurity or personal self-doubt. You are subconsciously thinking that the worst is yet to happen even though you have been doing a good job.

    These dreams are triggered by underlying fears of failure or worry about your relationship with an authority figure.

    Dreaming of a co-worker

    If you ever dreamt of a co-worker, it may feel rather strange when you wake up and recount what happened in the dream.

    Dreams involving a co-worker can symbolize your relationship with that person, be it in a positive or negative light. It may reflect unresolved tension, admiration, or the need to collaborate more with your co-workers at your current job.

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    Dream about being back at work

    During your weekends, the last thing that you want to do is to dream or think about having to be back at work on a Monday morning.

    Having dreams of returning to work on your time off or at your previous job, it can indicate that you are still thinking about any unfinished tasks at your current or past role. It could also indicate the current workplace-related stress that you are facing. This is a call for you to find closure or balance between your work and personal life.

    The Meaning Behind Recurring Work Dreams

    Another thing is that for some, work dreams only happen once to them. While for a handful of people, it can be a recurring dream.

    Recurring dreams are often an indicator of unresolved issues or unfinished business that you may have in your work life.

    If you suffer from this issue, it is worth reflecting and considering how the dream may be related to your subconscious mind. Think about the themes or patterns that have been consistently repeating in those dreams. From there, you might be able to figure out what is making you dream about it repeatedly.

    Keep track of your dreams with the Dream Record feature
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    How Do I Stop Recurring Dreams About Work?

    Recurring work dreams are often a result of stress, anxiety, or unresolved issues in your professional life. To reduce the reoccurrence of these dreams and enjoy more restful sleep, you should do these things:

    • Set clear boundaries: Establish firm boundaries between work and personal life. Avoid bringing work home, and disconnect from emails and work-related tasks during your downtime.
    • Relax before bed: Relax in bed by engaging in relaxing activities such as meditation, reading, or taking a warm bath to wind down and clear your mind.
    • Practice journaling: Write down any lingering work-related worries or thoughts in a journal before bedtime. This helps offload your mind and prevents overthinking during sleep.
    • Address stress at work: Identify the sources of stress or anxiety in your job and take proactive steps to manage or resolve them. This might include better time management, talking to a supervisor, or practicing stress-relief techniques throughout the day.

    Tips to Overcome Work-Related Stress and Anxiety

    tips to overcome work related stress and anxiety
    1. Prioritize self-care: Make time for activities you enjoy. You can do so by taking regular breaks, doing your favorite hobbies, and spending time with people that you love.
    2. Time management: It helps to organize the workload effectively to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Make a to-do list and sort it by priority.
    3. Seek support: If you are struggling to cope with the stress and anxiety, try seeking support from a mentor, colleague, or therapist. This can help you to process your feelings better and find a practical solution.
    4. Focus on what you can control: Learn to let go of things that are beyond your control as this creates unnecessary stress. Rather, concentrate on changes that you can make.


    Dreams in general, provide valuable insight into your subconscious thoughts and emotions. If you happen to dream of working, it could be due to work-related stress and anxiety that you are going through at the moment. However, it is possible to overcome them by setting boundaries and practicing self-care strategies.

    To reduce bad dreams about work and help you sleep better, try out ShutEye®. ShutEye® is a patented sleep-tracking app that helps you get a good night’s rest by tracking your sleep cycle for personalized recommendations.

    Keep track of your dreams with the Dream Record feature
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    Select Software Reviews. (2024). 81+ troubling workplace stress statistics [2024 data]. Select Software Reviews. https://www.selectsoftwarereviews.com/blog/workplace-stress-statistics#the-key-2023-workplace-stress-statistics-everyone-should-know-about