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19 Fantastic Gratitude Journal Prompts and Template For 2024

Published: Dec 02, 2021
Updated: Sep 20, 2024
19 Fantastic Gratitude Journal Prompts and Template For 2024
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    During these trying time, it’s important to consider how you’re feeling, if needed, employ several coping mechanisms to assist you make it through, one of which is journaling. There’s really no wrong way to journal. And that’s where these wellness, gratitude, and happiness journals come in. Fantastic gratitude journal prompts are also available.

    Keeping a gratitude journal is an effective way of starting a daily gratitude habit. It is a good idea to have a printable gratitude journal for this activity. As you develop this habit, you’ll likely experience a deeper appreciation for the beauty and simple joys of life.

    What Are Examples of Gratitude?

    Every time you say a sincere ‘thank you’ to someone, it’s a form of gratitude. It’s synonymous with appreciation, acknowledgment and respect. You feel positive about people who help you and who are there for you.

    Many times we are advised to “count our blessings”, which is a conscious method of appreciating the things you have. What we might have, someone else can only hope for or vice versa. There’s no one-size-fits all way to live in this world. So you have to acknowledge what you have and make the best of it.

    Gratitude is like most desirable traits and qualities in that it is usually not enough to simply decide to be grateful – we must actively practice it to cement its place in our lives.

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    How Do I Start Practicing Gratitude?

    Gratitude isn’t always an innate feeling but a choice you make. This can be developed over time. There are many ways to develop gratitude in your daily life:

    This is the most overlooked and the easiest way to express your gratitude. Say thank-you to your parents, your friends and everyone who helps you even in the smallest way.

    Sometimes when people do things for us, we tend to take it for granted. Even when your mother hands you a glass of water, you should convey that you’re thankful for her effort.

    Starting your morning on a positive note will change the course of your day. If you want to be happy, you have to make certain decisions that lead you on that path. You may think it’s easier said than done. But what if we start building ourselves up instead of putting ourselves down?

    Many people turn to daily affirmations as a way to cultivate a positive mindset. Some of these affirmations are:

    1. There’s nothing I can’t do
    2. I am my own person
    3. The possibilities are endless
    4. I am enough

    Tell yourself that you’re in a good place and you’ve got what it takes no matter the circumstances!

    What Are Some Gratitude Journal Prompts?

    A printable gratitude journal is, quite simply, a tool to keep track of the good things in life. Regularly journaling about the good things in your life can help prepare and strengthen you to deal with the rough patches when they pop up.

    Printable gratitude journal focuses on what you are grateful for. It’s unique in this respect – it is the only item in the range of similar notebooks, planners, and journals that are solely dedicated to noticing and appreciating the positive things in your life.

    It’s not inherently bad to write down the negative things that happened or the challenges you faced during your day, but unless you are grateful for it, don’t write it down in your gratitude journal.

    You might also interested in printable mood tracker bullet journal templates and ideas. These detailed, well-designed templates will help you connect to more positive emotions.

    Do Gratitude Journal Work?

    Gratitude journaling, like many gratitude practices, can lower your stress levels. It can help you feel calmer, especially at night. Also, journaling can give you a new perspective on what is important to you and what you truly appreciate in your life. Be noting what more of in your life, and what you can do without.

    Printable Gratitude journaling can help you find out and focus on what really matters to you. At the same time, keeping a gratitude journal helps you learn more about yourself and become more self-aware. Your gratitude journal is for your eye only, so you can write anything you feel without worrying about judgement from other.

    Benefits of Keeping a Gratitude Journal

    1. It can make you more mindful, helping you to become more grounded and also making it easier to notice even more things you are grateful for.
    2. Gratitude journaling can help you feel more balance and less thrown off by daily stress.
    3. You may notice that a lot more small, good things are happening – or maybe you’ll notice the small, good things that were already happening.
    4. Your gratitude might act as a beacon to good things and good people, drawing even more positive things to be grateful for to you.
    5. Printable gratitude journaling can provide a sense of context or interconnectedness. It can remind us how things in life are connect to one another, and guide us to one of those rare moments in which we truly recognize that the word is so much bigger than us, yet we are grateful just to be small part of it.

    Harvard Medical School published an article that discuss the association between happiness and gratitude. We hope you have found inspiration among the gratitude journal prompts and templates featured here today. Cultivating a gratitude habit means also paying attention to the things that we usually take for granted. Let’s keep in mind that we are blessed beyond measure. When we focus on this, it is easier to notice the beauty that life has to offer.

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    About authors
    Jessica Brown, a 29-year-old freelance copywriter passionate about human nature and deeply committed to promoting sleep and mental health awareness. Jessica holds a Master of Arts in Literary Studies from the National University of Singapore and a Bachelor's in Biology from the University of Cambridge.

    Harvard Health (2021) Giving thanks can make you happier [online] https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/giving-thanks-can-make-you-happier

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