“Sleep apnea is a serious sleep condition that affects 30 million Americans”.
Sleep apnea is a condition where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. There are many symptoms, signs, and risk groups around it. The best way to find out most of these symptoms and signs is – to use sleep apnea apps that will record your sleep during the night and provide valuable reports on your sleep patterns.
4 Best Sleep Apnea Apps
Can Apps Detect Sleep Apnea?

Yes. Such apps as sleep trackers, snore trackers, and other related apps can help to find out sleep apnea symptoms and signs. What are those symptoms, and how can iPhones or Android smartphones detect them?
The most common symptoms:
- Loud snoring
- Moments at night when you stop breathing
- Gasping for air during your sleep
- Dry mouth when you awake
- Headaches in the mornings
- Insomnia
- Daytime sleepiness
- Distracted attention/focus/concentration
- Irritability and decreased productivity
There are three main types of sleep apnea:
- Obstructive – when throat muscles relax and block the air passage
- Central – when your brain doesn’t send proper signals to muscles that control breathing
- Complex – when someone has a combination of obstructive and central sleep apnea
How Do The Sleep Apnea Apps Work?
Nowadays, almost all new wearable devices have numerous sensors and sound recording features. Sleep apnea apps track your sleep and transfer the detected information into reports about your sleep cycle. Based on the symptoms above, the app makes decisions about your situation.
Benefits Of Using Smartphones To Diagnose OSA
The most beneficial part of using such apps is that we can do it at home without visiting a hospital and sleep better.
Let’s confess: we pay the smallest part of our attention to our health due to various reasons like work, domestic chores, leisure time, and so on. But we do rarely dare to spend time going to a hospital.
As for me, if I have a health problem, I take my phone and Google it. Usually, the Internet helps me because I know my symptoms and signs. It can be like a headache, stomachache, and so on. Anything that is obvious and happens in “real-time” as we observe the whole process as it goes.
But, in our situation. How do I test myself?
ShutEye® has made a special sleep apnea test for you to go through online and anonymously.
Even though the importance of visiting a hospital to consult a doctor is still a top priority in dealing with various health problems. Sleep apps, snore trackers, and sleep trackers cannot be underestimated.
Sleep trackers have all the features and functions to help you detect and test whether you have sleep apnea and what are the symptoms and signs of it.
Let’s list some of the benefits:
- Save time by testing yourself at home
- If you live alone, the app is the best friend to tell you about the night
- The information collected by the app can be useful for a doctor
- Reports can be shared via various platforms and formats
- The app is especially great at the preliminary stage
- Since the app can record your sleeping, you can also listen to the recording and discover more things
- The app can provide you with healthy tips and recommendations for dealing with various health problems related to sleep
What’s The Best Sleep Apnea App?
There is no absolute measure for defining the best app, but since most of the apps are free and available for Android and iOS devices, we can choose the best for us by ourselves.
Today, we would like to share with you 5 sleep tracking apps for Android and iOS so you can get better sleep at night!
1. ShutEye
It is a multifunctional app that can take care of your restful sleep from evening till morning. ShutEye is shaped to track, identify, analyze your sleep cycle. Upon analyzing, you will receive a personalized report where you get to know about sleep apnea frequency, risks and duration.
If it is suspected that you might have sleep apnea symptoms, you will be prompted to consult a real sleep doctor that ShutEye has partnered up with.

2. Ognomy
If your main goal is to get rid of your symptoms and sleep better – Ognomy is the right choice! Ognomy is a sleep apnea app where you can get diagnosed by a sleep doctor and get treated for sleep apnea from the convenience of your own home.
Some app features:
- Take a sleep test to see if you’re at risk of sleep disorder
- Get diagnosed and treated for sleep apnea at home
- Online video/audio consultation with sleep doctors
- Review of results and sent a treatment plan to start on
- Insurance plans are accepted
Professional help within one app! Get the ultimate sleep apnea treatment here.

3. Koala Nap: Stop Apnea & Snoring
Did you know? Koalas can sleep 18-22 hours a day. I guess the developers of this sleep apnea and shoring app were greatly inspired by the sleeping ability of koalas.
This app’s logic is – when it detects snoring, it sends a signal to your Apple Watch or iPhone to make a vibration or a sound to encourage you to change your sleeping position.
Everything is also customizable and adjustable. Koala Nap uses a highly advanced sore tracker with machine learning and a large data set of sounds to detect snoring patterns.
It has only been rated 4.5/5 by users. Perhaps this is an app that you may be interested in, especially for Apple Watch users.
Download for: iOS

4. SnoreLab: Record Your Snoring
Last but not least, we have SnoreLab.
SnoreLab is an app that can track, measure and record your snoring levels. Knowing this would allow you to discover solutions that you can implement to reduce snoring.
According to the developer, their app has helped millions of people to better understand their sleep and help eliminate their snoring problem.
This app can potentially help you to identify any sleep apnea symptoms however, it is not intended to diagnose or treat sleep apnea and any other underlying medical conditions.

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep problem. It has many symptoms and signs, and there are a lot of complications, too. Risks for health and life. Take it seriously. You are not alone in this world. Remember that if you’re showing any of the symptoms mentioned in this article, you should always visit a health professional for a proper sleep apnea diagnosis.
Sleep apps can help detect the possibility of sleep apnea but are not a cure for it.