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Is Sleeping Facing North the Key to Better Sleep? 

Published: Mar 22, 2024
Updated: Mar 20, 2025
Is Sleeping Facing North the Key to Better Sleep? 
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    9 min

    When you think about improving your sleep, you probably consider factors like your mattress, bedtime routine, or even late-night screen time. But have you ever thought about the direction you sleep in? It might sound unusual, but some believe that sleeping facing north can influence sleep quality.

    Is there any truth to this? Let’s find out what science and experts are saying about sleep direction and whether facing north is the key to getting better sleep.

    Key Takeaways
    Sleeping with your head facing north may not be good as it disrupts your body’s energy flow and interferes with the Earth’s magnetic field.
    Facing the east direction is thought to be a natural direction for sleep.
    Sleeping facing the south direction is thought to promote deep sleep, improve blood flow, and decrease blood pressure.
    Feng Shui principles and Vastu Shastra principles may differ in terms of how your bed should be placed.
    You can optimize your bedroom for better sleep by practicing good sleep hygiene.

    Is Sleeping with the Head Facing North Good?

    woman wearing eye mask and sleeping with her head facing towards the north direction

    According to cultural beliefs such as Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui, sleeping with your head facing north may not be the best sleeping direction as it could disrupt your body’s energy flow and affect sleep.

    Another reason why it may not be good for you is related to the Earth’s magnetic field. When we sleep in the north position, our body’s magnetic field will interfere with the Earth’s, leading to blood pressure fluctuation and sleep disturbances. The magnetic pull also attracts iron which can be accumulated in the brain, resulting in headaches [1], [2].

    Additionally, some people who have slept facing north reported lower emotional well-being and mental health [3].

    What does science say about sleeping facing north?

    There is currently a lack of scientific evidence that supports the need to face in a particular direction when you are sleeping. This means that sleeping facing north may not be a bad thing or a good thing.

    What’s more important is avoiding factors that may disrupt sleep quality which include bright light exposure, loud noises, or lack of proper airflow. In such cases, it could be better for you to position your bed away for restful sleep.

    What is The Best Direction to Face When Sleeping

    When considering the best direction to sleep in, it ultimately comes down to your personal preferences. However, you may also want to consider what cultural beliefs have to say about the different directions:

    Sleeping with your head pointing north direction: Believed to disrupt energy flow and lead to sleep disturbances.

    Sleeping with your head in the east-west direction: Facing the east direction is thought to be a natural direction. Choosing to sleep with your head pointing west may result in restless sleep or nightmares.

    Head in southward facing direction: Encourages deep sleep, improves blood flow, decreases blood pressure, and boosts overall health.

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    Effect of Sleep Direction on Sleep Quality

    Transitioning from the previous subtopic on sleeping preferences, optimizing your sleep direction can significantly impact your overall sleep quality. To enhance your rest, consider the following:

    1. Align with Vastu Shastra: Sleeping with your feet to the north and head to the south may promote better sleep.
    2. Consider Earth’s Magnetic Field: Some believe that sleeping in south direction can influence blood pressure and sleep quality.
    3. Scientific Evidence: While lacking strong support, studies suggest potential benefits in lowering blood pressure.
    4. Primary Sleep Factors: Remember that the direction you sleep in is unlikely to be the main cause of poor sleep quality.

    What Direction Should My Bed Face?

    bed and which direction it should face according to vastu shastra and feng shui principles

    As per Vastu Shastra principles, the best direction to face your bed should either be in the east direction or south direction. Positioning your bed in these directions could help to promote positive energy and promote better sleep. On the other hand, you should avoid positioning your bed towards the north direction as it is associated with death, bringing negative energy. This negative energy could lead to sleep disturbances and health issues [4].

    For Feng Shui, there is a set of rules that you have to follow if you are looking to get good quality sleep. This may look like placing your bed diagonally across from the door as positioning your bed in a direct line with the door is seen as the ‘death position’, which can lead to vulnerability and restlessness [5].

    How to Optimize Bedroom Environment for Better Sleep

    Creating a sleep-friendly bedroom is essential for quality rest. Rather than focusing on aligning with the Earth’s magnetic field, prioritize personal comfort and a calming atmosphere. A well-designed sleep space can significantly improve your ability to fall and stay asleep.

    Here are some ways to optimize your bedroom environment for a good night’s sleep:

    Consider the placement of your bed

    bed in the room being placed facing away from the door, sleep facing north

    The placement of your bed may indirectly influence how relaxed you feel at night for bedtime. You want to ensure that you are positioning your bed away from any doors and windows to minimize noise or light disruptions.

    According to Feng Shui principles, placing your bed in a commanding position — where you are able to see the door but not directly facing it, can help to create a sense of ease.

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    Open the curtains for natural light during the day

    opening the curtains during the day can help you to get better sleep as opposed to changing your sleep direction to face north

    Exposure to natural light during the day helps regulate your circadian rhythm, making it easier to fall asleep at night. If possible, you should position your bed in a way that you are able to get some natural sunlight in. Alternatively, you can keep the curtains open slightly so that you can let the morning light in.

    Minimize distractions in the bedroom

    As much as possible, you should keep distractions away from the bedroom. Minimize electronic devices like phones, tablets, and TVs, as the blue light they emit can disrupt melatonin production and make it harder to fall asleep. If noise is an issue, consider using white noise machines, earplugs, or calming sleep sounds from the ShutEye® app to create a more peaceful atmosphere. Keep clutter to a minimum, as a tidy space promotes relaxation and reduces mental stress. Lastly, reserve your bedroom for sleep and relaxation—avoiding work or other stimulating activities in bed can help reinforce a strong mental association between your bedroom and restful sleep.


    While the direction you sleep in might hold significance in some cultural beliefs, there’s no strong scientific evidence proving that facing north directly impacts sleep quality. Ultimately, it comes down to your personal preferences and comfort. Having a sleep-conducive environment and good sleep habits are the best ways to improve your sleep quality.

    If you’re looking to improve your sleep but don’t know where to start, consider trying the ShutEye® app. The app helps you track your sleep, block out noise, and discover soothing sounds that promote relaxation. Download now for FREE!

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    According to cultural beliefs, you should face the south and east direction when you are sleeping as they promote better rest. On the other hand, when it comes to science, there is good direction for sleep but rather, you should consider the external factors like noise or light when choosing a direction to sleep in.

    The north direction is said to be the worst bed direction to face as it is associated with the death position in Feng Shui principles. It also brings negative energy due to earth's magnetic field.

    According to Feng Shui, the best way for your bed to face for good luck is the south-facing direction.
    About authors
    Przemysław Puternicki is a content writer passionate about new technologies and innovative ways to use them. He has experience writing about Artificial Intelligence and its impact on various industries. Recently, he got engulfed in the subject of sleep science, searching for ways to improve his sleep schedule.
    Siti Amirah
    Amirah is a content writer passionate about topics related to mental health and wellness. Recently, she delved into the realm of sleep health, spurred by a personal recognition of her subpar sleep habits and a desire for improvement. Amirah holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Communication Studies from the University of Nottingham.

    Breus, M. (2024) The Best Direction to Sleep [online]. Available at: https://sleepdoctor.com/sleep-hygiene/the-best-direction-to-sleep

    JKCement (2024) Vastu Shastra Principles for Bed Placement and Sleeping Directions [online]. Available at: https://www.jkcement.com/blog/vastu/vastu-for-bed-placement-and-sleeping-directions/

    Sharma, A. (2024) Is Your Bed Facing North Really the Best Way to Get Good Night's Rest? Sleep and Feng Shui Experts Weigh in [online]. Available at: https://www.livingetc.com/advice/should-you-sleep-facing-north

    TIMESOFINDIA.COM (2020) Why you should never sleep with your head facing North [online]. Available at: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/de-stress/why-you-should-never-sleep-with-your-head-facing-north/articleshow/75347715.cms

    Yap, J. (2024) 17 Feng Shui Dos and Don'ts For Your Bedroom [online]. Available at: https://www.castlery.com/us/blog/feng-shui-for-bedroom

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