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Self Love Journal: How to Create One and 25 Journal Prompts

Published: Dec 05, 2021
Updated: Nov 27, 2024
Self Love Journal: How to Create One and 25 Journal Prompts
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    Practicing self-love is important for many reasons. It encourages self-reflection, self-awareness, and positive self-talk. As such, it improves our mental health and helps us to start our journey towards personal growth and self-acceptance.

    Keeping a self-love journal is one of the ways to start practicing good self-care. Here’s a guide on how to create one along with self-love journal prompts that you can use.

    What Is The Key To Self-Love?

    The key to self-love usually starts by having a proper understanding of yourself. Self-discovery is about asking yourself who you are and what are some things that bring you happiness.

    Once you have an idea of that, build up your self-esteem by finding and thinking about the positive qualities you have. Let go of shame and embrace yourself for who you are. Only by doing so will you be able to find unconditional self-love and lead a more fulfilling life.

    What Happens When You Lack Self-Love?

    When you are lacking in self-love, it can affect your mental health, relationships, and overall well-being negatively.

    Without self-love, you may notice some of these signs:

    • Low self-esteem
    • Self-doubt
    • Negative self-talk
    • Poor relationships
    • Poor mental health
    • Self-criticism

    How Do I Create a Self-Love Journal?

    Creating a self-love journal is a pretty simple way to focus on healing that inner relationship with yourself. You can get started on it by following these steps:

    1. Choose a journal: Pick a journal of choice. It can be a regular journal or a digital journal.
    2. Set your intentions: Write down a goal that you’d like to achieve each week. It could be to practice self-care, improve sleeping habits, and express gratitude.
    3. Pick daily prompts: You may also pick a daily prompt to help guide your thoughts.
    4. Celebrate your wins: Leave a section for celebrating your achievements, no matter how big or small they are. This helps you to track your progress.
    5. Express daily gratitude: Write down a few things that you are grateful for each day or something that you appreciate about yourself.
    6. Reflect on lessons learned: Journal down your feelings and what you have learned every time you encounter a challenge or difficulty.
    7. Make it a routine: Set aside time to write down your thoughts. Consistency can help you turn it into a regular practice.

    Your self-love journal is made to be a safe space for you to explore your hidden feelings, heal, and grow into a healthier version of yourself.

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    25 Self-Love Journal Prompts

    When you first start journalling, it may be challenging for you to figure out what to write. To help you overcome this writing block, here are 25 writing prompts related to self-love:

    Embracing Yourself

    1. What are five things I love about myself?
    2. What’s a compliment I’ve received that made me feel amazing?
    3. What’s my favorite memory where I felt truly happy?
    4. Which personal achievement am I most proud of?
    5. What’s a unique talent or skill I bring to the world?

    Expressing Gratitude

    1. What are three things I’m grateful for about myself today?
    2. How do I make a positive impact on others?
    3. What’s a kind thing someone has said about me recently?
    4. What’s one challenge I’ve overcome, and how did it make me stronger?
    5. How can I show gratitude to myself today?

    Embracing Growth

    1. What’s a past mistake that helped me grow as a person?
    2. How do I handle challenges with resilience?
    3. What’s something I’ve learned about myself recently?
    4. What are three ways I can prioritize self-care this week?
    5. How have I changed for the better in the last year?

    Building Self-Confidence

    1. What’s a fear I’ve faced, and how did it empower me?
    2. What’s a part of my body I love and appreciate?
    3. How do I define confidence for myself?
    4. What’s an area of my life where I’d like to grow more confident?
    5. What’s one kind of thing I can say to myself when I’m feeling down?

    Practicing Self Compassion and Self-Reflection

    1. What do I need to forgive myself for?
    2. What’s a way I can be gentler with myself when I make mistakes?
    3. What’s a comforting activity I can do when I’m feeling stressed?
    4. How do I remind myself that I’m enough just as I am?
    5. What’s a mantra or affirmation I can use to boost my self-love?

    How Do You Develop Self-Love?

    Sometimes anxiety feels like 100 things swirling around in your head, most of which are negative thoughts. It helps to get these thoughts down on paper. This means you can start to analyze them so they are more organized and become less overwhelming.

    Another important aspect of self-love is taking care of your basic needs—and sleep is essential to this process. Poor sleep can amplify negative emotions and reduce your ability to handle stress, making it harder to embrace self-love.

    Here are some ways to develop self-love:

    1. Stop comparing yourself to others

    We’re socialized to be competitive, so comparing ourselves to others is natural. But it can be dangerous. There’s just no point in comparing yourself to anyone else on the planet because there’s only one you. Rather, focus on yourself and your journey.

    2. Don’t worry about others’ opinions

    In that same vein, don’t worry about what society thinks or expects of you. You can’t make everyone happy, so this is a waste of time and will only slow you down on your journey to being the best you.

    3. Allow yourself to make mistakes

    We’re told again and again from a young age “Nobody’s perfect, everyone makes mistakes.” But the older you get, the more pressure you feel never to fail. Cut yourself some slack! Make mistakes so you can learn and grow from them. Embrace your past. You’re constantly changing and growing from who you once were into who you are today and who you will be one day.

    4. Your value doesn’t lie in how your body looks

    This is fundamental! So many things in the world want to distract you from this powerful truth. Sometimes even your own internalized sexism affirms your thoughts of inadequacy. You are valuable because you are you, not because of your body.

    Self-love comes when you accept that you are worthy exactly as you are. Not if you lose ten pounds, not if you get that promotion, not when you’re dressed up, not when you’re dressed down, not if or when anything. You just are. 

    Printable Self Love Journal Templates

    Here are also some self-love journal templates that can be useful when you start your journaling journey. Feel free to download them and print them out for your personal use.

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    Other Resources

    For similar printable resources, do check out the following blogs:

    21 Bullet Journal Ideas for Self-Improvement and Growth

    19 Fantastic Gratitude Journal Prompts and Template For 2024

    20+ Free Printable Mood Tracker Bullet Journal Templates

    21 Free Printable Habit Tracker Bullet Journal Templates

    20+ Sleep Tracker Bullet Journal Ideas | Free Printable Sleep Tracker


    Starting on your self-care and self-love journey does not have to be difficult. It’s all about embracing your authentic self and being patient with the process. The more you practice, the more you get into the habit of taking care of yourself.

    Using an app like ShutEyeÂź can also help you to progress in your self-love journey. By tracking your sleeping patterns and habits, you can learn new ways to improve them and make positive changes.

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    About authors
    Jessica Brown, a 29-year-old freelance copywriter passionate about human nature and deeply committed to promoting sleep and mental health awareness. Jessica holds a Master of Arts in Literary Studies from the National University of Singapore and a Bachelor's in Biology from the University of Cambridge.
    Siti Amirah
    Amirah is a content writer passionate about topics related to mental health and wellness. Recently, she delved into the realm of sleep health, spurred by a personal recognition of her subpar sleep habits and a desire for improvement. Amirah holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Communication Studies from the University of Nottingham.
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