Halloween is almost here. After a tough year, everyone will be looking forward to a break. Halloween falls on a thursday in 2024, so it’ll be an opportunity for people to finally let loose. Here are 8 tips to have a great and healthy Halloween this year. Whether you are a parent guiding children this year, or a teenager going to a party, you’ll find something useful here. Stay safe and healthy during this Halloween.
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8 Ways To Be Safe And Stay Healthy During Halloween
1. Add something bright to the costumes
Part of what makes Halloween fun is scary costumes. It’s normal for classic costumes like a witch or skeleton to have dark colors. Try adding something bright, even if it’s just small. You don’t want the world to finally go back to normal and then be hit by a car.

2. Remember Halloween is cold
There’s always someone shivering a tiny costume.
Halloween is the last day of October, so the weather is basically November weather, and you won’t be celebrating until the sun goes down. It’s almost always colder than you were expecting, especially if you planned a costume earlier in the year. Consider a costume that can integrate warm clothing.

3. Bring the whole squad together
Halloween is somewhat unique among holidays in that it isn’t oriented around family. That doesn’t mean you should spend it alone though. Make a plan to spend it with a group of friends. A few good laughs would be good for everyone’s mental health.
Here are 95 Fun Halloween party ideas.

4. Eat a normal dinner
I’m shocked at the adults who eat a light meal (or totally skip supper) and are shocked to feel terrible later on. Don’t plan on eating enough candy to feel full, even sugar obsessed children will feel sick if they try that.

5. Inspect the candy stash
We’ve all heard the rumors of poisoned candies or hidden razor blades. While such events are actually extremely rare, it’s still a good idea to look over all the candy before eating any of it. A torn wrapper should be thrown away.

6. Consider Wearing a Mask
What the status of lockdowns will be by Halloween isn’t clear. If you plan to trick or treat, or especially if you’ll be at a cramped party, consider wearing a mask. Halloween makes it easy to wear one since it can be a part of your costume.
7. Easy on the Candy

People always think of Thanksgiving and Christmas as the holidays that make you fat. Halloween candy frequently gets let off the hook. I won’t tell you to skip the candy, I’m not a monster, but consider just having a few pieces.
8. Hand out sugar-free…..just kidding.
Of course, eating too much sugar is bad for you. But hey, mental health matters too, and the occasional treat makes us all feel a lot better.

If you are just hanging around at home and giving out the treats, don’t be the guy who gives out pencils or raisins. Even if you stay home, consider the above tips too. A night with good friends and costumes can be a great time, there’s no need to go out.
Those are our top tips about how to have a healthy Halloween this year. It’s been a crazy year so expect everyone to ready to go wild come October 31st. It’s good to have fun, but take care of yourself and stay healthy.