What Does It Mean When You Dream About Falling?

Published: Jun 08, 2021
Updated: Oct 14, 2024
What Does It Mean When You Dream About Falling?
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    During sleep, it’s typical to have a dream about falling from the sky. If you or a loved one has been having these types of dreams at night, you might be wondering what they indicate.

    Dream Meaning Summary
    If you dream about falling, it could mean that you are feeling a sense of helplessness or rejection. In a more positive scenario, it could mean letting go of negativity and being free.

    Different people interpret dreams about falling in different ways. Some people will concentrate on the emotions involved, while others will concentrate on the dream scene. Explore the different types of falling dream scenarios that you can have and what they mean below.

    What Does The Dream of Falling Mean?

    Falling dreams may have a physiological foundation. Blood pressure and heart rate drop as the body drifts further into sleep and the neurological system quiets, and this physiological transition of “falling” asleep can induce a falling dream, in which the dreamer “jerks” up.

    Falling in your dream is the dreamer’s mind’s metaphorical way of alerting you to a scenario in your waking life when you feel out of control or where things are truly heading downhill. However, whether that is really the case, still depends on the context of the dream.

    What Different Types Of Dreams About Falling Could Mean

    Dreams about falling come in various forms and can evoke a range of emotions. Whether you’re plummeting into the abyss or gently descending to solid ground, the diverse scenarios can carry distinct meanings. Here are some falling dream scenarios and what they may mean:

    1. Dreams of yourself falling

    Falling dreams may reflect feelings of helplessness or rejection. Dreaming of falling could mean that you feel:

    • insecure or unstable
    • inadequate or inferior
    • anxious
    • overwhelmed
    • out of control

    Being pushed off a cliff could mean that you don’t feel secure with others or with unseen forces. Tripping and accidentally falling from a cliff might mean that you lack self-confidence. Either way, things are out of control or you’re trying to hang on to something.

    dream about falling from the cliff

    Dreaming that you parachuted out of an airplane or took a graceful dive into a safety net isn’t so scary. This could be a sign that you’re letting go of something negative or setting yourself free.

    2. Someone else falling in a dream

    It’s possible that you’re deeply concerned about someone you know whose life is spinning out of control. Or maybe you’re worried that someone is leaving you, emotionally or physically.

    3. Dream of falling and then waking up

    When you dream about falling, your legs jerk and you wake up with a start, a motion that saves you from the fall. It’s a discombobulating way to wake up.

    Hypnic jerks are sudden, involuntary muscle contractions that usually occur just as you’re falling asleep.

    So don’t worry. This phenomenon probably has more to do with your body falling asleep than your mind trying to tell you something.

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    4. Should I be worried if I have recurring falling dreams?

    Recurrent falling dreams may suggest unresolved issues or persistent anxieties that you need to address. It’s essential to pay attention to recurring dreams and consider seeking help or guidance to understand their meaning.

    5. Can falling dreams have positive meanings?

    While falling dreams can often be associated with negative emotions or fears, they can also symbolize a desire for change, letting go of the past, or embracing new opportunities. Don’t be afraid to explore the positive aspects of falling dreams.

    6. What does it mean when you dream about falling and landing safely?

    Dreaming about falling and landing safely can be interpreted in different ways. On one hand, it might signify overcoming a challenge or fear in your waking life, suggesting resilience and a sense of control. On the other hand, it could represent a positive change or transition, reflecting a successful navigation through a difficult situation. The dream may indicate feelings of security, confidence, or the ability to handle unexpected circumstances.

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    Spiritual Meaning of Dream About Falling

    Dreams about falling are quite common and can have various interpretations, including spiritual ones. The spiritual meaning of a falling dream can depend on the context of the dream and the emotions associated with it. Here are some possible spiritual interpretations:

    1. Lack of Control:
         Falling dreams may symbolize a feeling of losing control of your life or a situation. From a spiritual perspective, it might be a message to surrender to the flow of life and trust in a higher power.
    2. Letting Go:
         Falling can also represent a symbolic letting go or release of something that has been holding you back spiritually. It might be a sign to free yourself from attachments or negative energies.
    3. Transformation:
         Falling dreams can be seen as a metaphor for spiritual transformation. It may indicate that you are going through a period of change, and the falling represents the process of shedding old beliefs or aspects of yourself to make way for personal growth.
    4. Facing Fears:
         Falling dreams may also point to the need to confront fears or anxieties in your spiritual journey. It could be a call to overcome obstacles and move forward on your path with courage and faith.

    What Can I Learn About Myself by Having a Falling Dream?

    Understanding the meaning of a falling dream in your waking life is crucial, just like any other dream symbol. Consider the numerous areas of your life where you may be feeling overwhelmed or vulnerable, such as your job, relationships, finances, or even your physical well-being. With that knowledge, you should be able to better deal with your concerns or worries and reclaim your sense of control.

    Having a Falling Dream meaning

    How Do Falling Dreams Relate to Other Types of Dreams?

    Falling dreams are part of a broader category of nightmares or anxiety dreams that reflect our subconscious fears and worries. Understanding the context and emotions in falling dreams can provide insights into your inner thoughts and feelings.

    How Can I Interpret My Dreams About Falling?

    To interpret your falling dreams, you can reflect on your emotions during the dream, any specific details or surroundings, and how the dream made you feel upon waking up. Consulting with a dream analyst or keeping a dream journal can also help in the interpretation process.

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    Psychological Falling In Dreams Meaning

    1. Loss of Control:
      Falling dreams can represent a feeling of losing control in waking life. This might be related to stress, anxiety, or situations where you feel overwhelmed. It could be a reflection of a fear of failure or inability to manage a particular aspect of your life.
    2. Insecurity or Vulnerability:
      Falling dreams may indicate feelings of insecurity or vulnerability. You may be facing uncertainty or experiencing self-doubt, and the dream reflects these anxieties about your abilities or the stability of your circumstances.
    3. Fear of Failure:
      Dreams of falling are often associated with a fear of failure or making mistakes. This could be related to academic, professional, or personal concerns. It might highlight your worries about not meeting expectations, whether they are your own or others.
    4. Transition and Change:
      Falling dreams can also be connected to transitions and changes in life. The descent may symbolize the process of letting go of the old and embracing the new. It can be both exhilarating and anxiety-inducing to navigate change.
    5. Lack of Support:
      A falling dream might point to a perceived lack of support or stability in your life. You may feel unsupported by others or question the reliability of your support systems.
    6. Repressed Emotions:
      Falling dreams may be a manifestation of repressed emotions or unresolved issues. The sensation of falling could be a way for your subconscious mind to bring attention to underlying concerns that need acknowledgment and resolution.
    7. Physical Sensations:
      Sometimes, falling dreams may have a physiological basis. If you experience physical sensations like muscle twitches or spasms during sleep, they can influence the content of your dreams, including the sensation of falling.

    Cultural Interpretations of Falling Dreams

    Cultural Interpretations of Falling Dreams
    1. Western Cultures:
      In Western cultures, dream interpretation is often influenced by psychological and scientific perspectives. Falling dreams might be seen as a reflection of stress, anxiety, or a fear of failure. Psychoanalytic approaches, such as those proposed by Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, may be used to explore the subconscious mind and unresolved conflicts.
    2. Eastern Cultures:
      Eastern cultures, such as those in many parts of Asia, may have a more holistic and spiritual approach to dream interpretation. Falling dreams might be seen as symbolic of the need for balance and harmony in life. Some Eastern traditions, like Chinese dream interpretation, may associate falling dreams with warnings about certain life situations.
    3. Indigenous Cultures:
      Indigenous cultures often have their own unique perspectives on dreaming. Dreams are sometimes considered a form of communication with ancestors or spirits. Falling dreams might be interpreted as a message from the spirit world, offering guidance or foretelling events.
    4. African Cultures:
      Many African cultures have rich traditions of dream interpretation. Falling dreams could be seen as a reflection of inner conflict or a need for spiritual cleansing. Dream symbols might be interpreted in the context of local mythology and folklore.
    5. Native American Cultures:
      Native American cultures often view dreams as a way of connecting with the spiritual realm. Falling dreams might be interpreted in the context of individual or tribal beliefs, with an emphasis on spiritual growth, transformation, or the need for grounding.

    Religious Culture

    1. Islamic Culture:
         In Islamic culture, dreams hold significant importance. Falling dreams might be interpreted based on Islamic dream symbolism, and they may be seen as a warning to be cautious in one’s actions. Dreams are considered a means of communication with the divine, and interpretations often take into account religious teachings.
    2. Judeo-Christian Traditions:
      In Judeo-Christian traditions, dreams have historical significance, with many biblical figures experiencing significant dreams. Falling dreams might be interpreted in the context of moral or spiritual lessons, symbolizing humility, repentance, or a need for divine intervention.
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    Symbolic Meaning of Dreams About Falling

    The symbolic meaning of falling in dreams is multifaceted and often reflects the dreamer’s emotional and psychological state. Falling can signify a loss of control or a fear of failure, mirroring real-life anxieties and uncertainties. It may represent the need for the dreamer to confront insecurities, acknowledge vulnerability, and navigate life transitions. The emotional intensity experienced during the fall in dreams can serve as a powerful metaphor for the ups and downs of the human experience, urging the dreamer to explore and address their deepest fears, insecurities, or the need for balance and stability in waking life.

    How Can I Prevent or Induce Dreams About Falling?

    If a dream about falling makes you feel vulnerable and afraid, remember to work with those dreams in your waking state to deal with the worries you have about the scenario so you can regain your balance.

    person falling while sleeping

    Some tips to prevent falling dreams:

    • Establish a regular, relaxing routine before bedtime
    • Learn to manage stress with meditation
    • Limit or avoid caffeine/alcohol before sleep
    • Keep a dream journal
    • Don’t eat before bed
    • Do exercises frequently
    • Use a white noise machine or sleep app


    Falling dreams can be unsettling, but they’re usually a good indication. Your subconscious is sorting through the realities of a problematic circumstance while your conscious mind catches up. The impact of hitting the ground often wakes you up in nightmares of falling. If you fall to the ground and continue to dream, it could mean that your ability to tackle your concerns has improved, and you’re in a better mental position than previously.

    If you have trouble sleeping, try ShutEye®, an all-in-one sleep app. ShutEye brings a wide variety of tools to help you fall asleep. And you can understand your sleep cycles from a scientific perspective.

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