Owls are majestic creatures, easily recognized by their striking features. They are nocturnal birds that possess round, broad heads with large piercing eyes and have long captured the fascination of humans. Seeing an owl in a dream often carries symbolic meaning.
In this article, we will explore the full dream meanings of owl dreams and understand the cultural significance behind this mysterious creature.
An owl can symbolize different things depending on cultural beliefs. In general, owls symbolize wisdom, intuition, and independence.
Here is what an owl symbolizes in the different cultures:
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If you dream about an owl, it could mean wisdom, intuition, transformation, or a deep insight. An owl may be an indication that you are about to gain some clarity or deeper insight into a situation that had left you confused previously.
It may also be a sign that you are starting to discover truths or gain a deeper understanding of a situation that will encourage you to be a wiser person. It may also signal that a transformation or growth is about to happen in your life.
However, depending on the type of owl dream, the meaning could change. In the next section, you will find different types of owl dreams and what they mean.
If you happen to see an owl flying in a dream, it could mean that you may be facing a challenge that requires you to look at it from a different perspective. Only from there, will you be able to rise above and overcome the challenge that you are facing.
Additionally, a flying owl may also represent a sense of freedom or release over something that has been weighing you down. It could also mean that you are on a journey to gaining a new perspective or learning a hidden truth that will bring clarity to your life.
Having a dream about an owl attacking you could mean that there is a need to address your hidden fears or deal with internal conflicts.
As an owl represents wisdom or knowledge, an attack indicates that you may be struggling or unwilling to deal with a particular problem in your life. It may be a problem that involves a fear or past trauma that makes you feel threatened.
An owl swooping and attacking you could also symbolize an overwhelming sense of anxiety or stress. It is important to confront issues that are bothering you rather than let it consume you.
Seeing an owl in your house in a dream may mean that you are about to undergo a significant transformation in your personal life. It could also be a sign of warning or protection.
In some cultures, owls can be seen as a protector or a foreshadowing. Depending on your personal belief, it could be seen as that you are being watched over and protected from harm. Also, consider how you feel when you encounter the owl. Do you feel afraid, curious or at peace?
Feeling a sense of fear may suggest that you need to practice being cautious or alert to the things or people that surround you.
Dreaming of an owl staring at you could suggest a need for self-discovery and self-reflection. The gaze of an owl is a sign to confront your fears or any hidden insecurities that you may have.
Pay attention to your inner thoughts and emotions throughout the process. A staring owl might also mean that someone or something in your waking life has been observing you and your actions. Be cautious about your approach. Think about whether you have made any negative past actions and decisions.
An owl biting you in a dream may represent that you are in a state of vulnerability and fear. You could be dealing with something that feels overwhelming and stressful. However, it can also have a different interpretation depending on the location that you were bitten at.
A bite on your hand means that you are feeling restricted or frustrated with not being able to express yourself creatively.
If it’s on your arm, it suggests that you are feeling tied down or burdened by existing commitments and responsibilities.
A bite on the leg indicates being stuck or trapped in a situation and you’re not able to move forward.
An owl biting your neck is a fear of losing your voice or it could represent being vulnerable.
An owl biting your face highlights issues with self-image, confidence, or a fear of being judged.
If it’s on your back, it means that you may be experiencing betrayal or a lack of support.
A bite on your stomach suggests emotional distress or feelings of anxiety in the present moment. Listen to your instincts and address any underlying issue that is causing you emotional turmoil.
Seeing an owl perched in a tree can be a reminder for you to observe your surroundings and stay grounded in your beliefs. You might be undergoing some changes to your life which requires balance and stability.
If it is perched in a tree somewhere in your backyard or home vicinity, it may signify that you are being protected by a spirit guide.
A dead owl dream means that you have reached the end of something. It could be a life phase or a relationship that you are in. While it is a sad or tragic event, it is also an indicator for you to let go of beliefs, relationships, or things that no longer serve you.
Alternatively, it could be a reminder to learn from painful past experiences and move forward in your life.
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Dreaming about baby owls often signifies new beginnings or the start of a new idea.
A baby owl symbolizes innocence and potential. This means that if you were to see them in a dream, you are about to discover a hidden potential in yourself. It could also mean that you are about to find something new or embark on a fresh path in life.
When you see an owl flying towards you in a dream, it may mean that you are about to receive new opportunities or insights in your waking life soon. It is a sign of encouragement to stay open to new possibilities that may lie ahead.
If you dream about an owl following you, it could be that there is a persistent issue that you have been avoiding, is catching up to you. You may need to pay attention to your inner voice and confront the issue that you have been running from.
Dreaming about killing an owl suggests that you possess strong emotions and you are rejecting the need for guidance in your life.
It could also be a symbol of you getting rid of the negative influences within your life, an attempt to start on a clean slate. It may also be a way of protecting yourself from an antagonist. Perhaps, there may be some danger in your waking life that requires you to be cautious over.
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An owl speaking is a sign of communication and a sharing of wisdom. Having this dream may mean that you are about to receive an important message or insight from yourself or from someone else.
It could also mean that you may not express yourself well to others in your waking life, urging you to communicate your thoughts or feelings.
Dreams involving owls may suggest that you are surrounded by people who show you immense support. It could also be that you have a wealth of wisdom that is beneficial for your life’s journey.
In a negative light, multiple owls may mean that you have conflicting thoughts and feelings. You are not able to come to a decision easily. It is a sign that you may need to explore fresh perspectives or do some inner work to find an answer.
A screaming owl could represent a bad omen that makes you feel highly distressed or anxious. You might experience the death of something or someone. It could also mean that you are about to face some hardships ahead. Approaching this requires you to stay calm and listen to your intuition.
If it was an injured owl screaming, it may represent emotional wounds or pain that you are still currently healing from. It feels extremely difficult and you may need to seek help to heal from your wounds permanently.
Dreaming of an owl that is injured means a vulnerability or weakness that you see in yourself or your loved one.
It may mean that you are not feeling well mentally or emotionally and you are in a struggling state. You need to prioritize self-care or help your loved one out. An injured owl may also take on different meanings according to the area of injury.
Here is what it could mean if the owl is injured in an area:
Having a dream about an owl landing on your head may mean that you are about to gain new knowledge or perspective. Owls represent wisdom. You will come to a point where you receive insights that will help you turn wiser.
It may also represent that a change or growth is about to happen within you. Be prepared to embrace these changes as you enter a new phase in your life.
Alternatively, it may indicate that you tend to overthink a lot about things in your life. Instead of overthinking and spending your time and energy on the problem, redirect this focus to how you can fix it.
Seeing a three-eyed owl in a dream carries spiritual significance. Three eyes are commonly associated with the third eye, also known as the spiritual eye.
Seeing a three-eyed owl could suggest that you are about to undergo a spiritual transformation.
A snowy owl dream is centered around a snowy owl which may symbolize a spiritual transformation, purity, or gaining clarity in a challenging situation. You can find a snowy owl hunting during the day in a snow-filled atmosphere. With its pristine white feathers, they camouflage easily in the snow, symbolizing concealment.
At the same time, dreaming about snowy owls may mean that you are about to go through a fresh start or new perspective in your life.
Barn owls are symbols of wisdom, freedom, wealth, luck, and good fortune. When you see a barn owl in your dream, it may mean that luck or a good opportunity is about to come your way in the near future. It is also an indicator of how wealthy you can be, in terms of money, knowledge, or intellect.
Barn owls are also associated with freedom and the ability to navigate through darkness, suggesting that you may soon find clarity or a solution to a situation you’ve been grappling with.
Great horned owls are representative of courage and strength. It also possesses great foresight.
Seeing the presence of a great horned owl could mean that you will be ready to face any challenges with strength and confidence. You do not back down easily from a fight no matter how tough it may be.
A dream like this may also be an encouragement for you to trust your instincts more and go forth. It could be that you are currently hesitating about making a decision on something, affecting your progress. However, you need to recognize the immense courage that you possess.
When the time comes, you’ll be able to muster up the courage to make bold decisions in your life.
Barred owls are a representation of wisdom and an ability to see what is hidden beneath the surface. They are skilled hunters and are able to catch their unsuspecting prey easily in a swift fight.
Seeing one in your dream reflects the knowledge and skill that you have in getting through challenges with ease. However, you are reminded to trust your instincts and do not take uncalculated risks.
A screech owl in a dream is a warning or bad omen of what is to come. It urges you to pay close attention to any threats or changes that will upend your lie. It could be a call to stay cautious about your surroundings and recognize when you should retreat.
A burrowing owl may mean the need to adapt and ground yourself in challenging situations. You may be someone that is resourceful and able to navigate your way even in extremely tricky situations.
However, you need to harness your strengths and play your cards right to come out on top in times like these.
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The color of an owl may also contribute to a change in dream interpretations. For example, if an owl is of any of these colors, here is what it means:
A black owl is often shrouded in mystery, darkness, or the unknown. It may symbolize an unknown fear or an aspect of yourself that you’ve yet to discover. It may also mean that you are surrounded by a negative force or influence.
Seeing one is a urging for you to be more cautious with who you surround yourself with and take the time to reflect on yourself. It is time to transform yourself and witness the growth. Face your fears and you will be able to overcome anything.
Dreaming of a brown owl is a representation of how down-to-earth and grounded you can be. Brown owls are symbols of stability, security, and practicality. Seeing one is a sign that you are contented in your current position and status.
On the other hand, it could represent an unsteady balance in your life and insecurity. You need to take the steps by trusting your instincts and logic. You are capable of making sound decisions to propel you further.
Grey owls symbolize neutrality and balance. If you happen to dream of a grey owl, you could be in a situation that requires you to choose a side. However, it is important to remain objective and not be tempted to steer the course in a particular direction. Look at both sides of the coin before concluding.
Additionally, it may mean that you are starting to become mature and wiser with all the life experiences that you have gone through. It is similar to when adults start to age and develop grey hair. It is a mark of not only growing older but wiser.
A white owl may be a sign of purity, enlightenment, or peace. It could mean that you are a pure soul who yearns to find peace in a world filled with anguish.
It might also be an indication that you are on a journey filled with enlightenment. Listen to your intuition and trust your inner wisdom. All of these are meant to guide you closer to a higher power or heal your inner self.
Seeing a blue owl in a dream can be interpreted as calmness, clarity, and communication. You are a wise person who has good emotional or intellectual capacity. However, at this present moment, you may feel disconnected or unsure about yourself and your abilities.
A blue owl in dream is an invitation for you to open your heart, trust your senses, and express your heart and mind clearly to others. You are much more capable than you perceive yourself to be.
The symbol of an owl goes as far back as during the Ancient Greek period. Athena, an ancient Greek goddess utilized an owl symbol to represent wisdom.
In addition to her, the owl was also linked to philosophical teachings and ideations at the time. Many people believed that owls could see in the dark, a representation of their ability to see truths that no one else could. Owls were carved or painted onto coins and pottery, reinforcing their importance.
More than just wisdom, owls are an embodiment of their connection to divine powers, helping individuals to get a deeper understanding of their lives.
In common Native American folklore, owls are a symbol of death and bad omen. The Apache and Seminole tribes, commonly used stories of an owl hooting to scare children into behaving well. Owls may also be seen as spirits that are sent to carry messages or supernatural warnings from the spirit world.
The Aztecs and Mayans believe that owls are associated with death and destruction. For the Hopi tribe, it is a form of sorcery or evil. For the Ojibwe tribe, it is evil and death. The Pawnee tribe sees owls as a protection while the Yakama tribe sees owls as totem guides.
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Owl dream interpretation can be useful in guiding you on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. They represent wisdom, intuition, and independence. Understanding the different dream scenarios, owl species, and colors helps you to reflect and identify the changes to be made in your life.
You can discover more dreams and what they mean in our ShutEye® app. ShutEye® app is an all-in-one sleep app that not only offers sleep tracking but also a feature to analyze your dream for your very own dream report. Download now!
In most cultures, seeing an owl is regarded as a bad omen. It is only in Japan and within some native American tribes that owls are seen a good omen or a guardian angel-like figure.
Spiritually, owls are seen as messengers of the spiritual realm, offering guidance or warnings about life and any hidden truths that are about to be uncovered. They are also symbols of change and transformation. It indicates re-emergence from the dark and triumphing over obstacles.