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How To Sleep With Someone Who Snores?

Published: Jul 26, 2022
Updated: Dec 30, 2024
How To Sleep With Someone Who Snores?
In this article
    Reading time
    7 min

    Does your partner have a habit of snoring so loudly that you can’t get proper sleep at night? An annual report by Mute Snoring found that 37% of people reported experiencing sleep difficulties because of their or their partner’s snoring. If you find yourself stuck in this situation, here are some strategies that will help you sleep with someone who snores. Keep reading to find out more!

    What Causes My Partner To Snore?

    woman covering ears due to partner snoring in bed

    If your partner’s loud snoring happens frequently and prevents you from getting a good night’s sleep, you might want to think about why it occurs in the first place.

    Some of the common risk factors include [1]:

    What causes my partner to snore so loud?

    Doctor’s response
    People snore when the flow of air through the mouth and nose is obstructed during sleep, leading to vibrations of the tissues in the throat. The narrower the airway is, the more forceful the airflow becomes which leads to loud snoring. Many underlying conditions can contribute to snoring such as obesity, aging and other lifestyle factors.
    Dr. June Seliber-Klein
    MD DABPN, Sleep Board Certified, Chief Medical Officer Ognomy Sleep

    7 Tips on How To Sleep With A Snoring Partner

    Trying to get enough sleep and ensure that it is good quality is especially difficult when your bed partner snores constantly. In America, snoring is the third leading cause of divorce highlighting how disruptive it can be to both sleep and relationships [2]. Poor sleep due to snoring doesn’t just affect your mood—it can take a toll on your overall health and quality of life.

    Fortunately, you can learn how to avoid and manage such a situation with the right strategies. Here are 7 tips on how you can sleep with a partner who has chronic snoring.

    1. Try to go to bed earlier

    If you know that your partner’s snoring will negatively affect your sleep quality, try to sleep earlier than them. Ideally, you should try to be in a deep sleep stage so that you will be woken up by any external noises as easily.

    2. Distract yourself

    distract yourself by listening to podcast or meditations

    You can also try to distract your mind from the loud and annoying sounds of snoring by trying out a few different ways such as tuning in to a podcast, listening, and practicing meditation exercises as well as using various sleep sounds to drown out the background noise.

    Once you are accustomed to hearing these sounds, you will find that the snoring is much easier to deal with and eventually fall asleep.

    3. Listen to white noise

    Listening to white noise is also another way to drown out the snoring and lull yourself to sleep. You can opt to use a white noise machine, and leave it playing for a few hours during the night. Otherwise, you may also opt to use an app with white noise offerings such as the ShutEye® app.

    In the ShutEye App®, you can opt for sounds like:

    It serves as a good alternative if you don’t wish to buy a white noise machine and if you are looking for a portable and affordable option.

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    4. Have your partner change their sleep position

    having your partner change their sleep position is one way to sleep with someone who snores

    Your partner’s sleeping position may also contribute to their snoring habits. It is found that body position can play a role in the quality of your sleep. For individuals who struggle with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), sleeping on the back can increase the risk of snoring compared to a side sleeping position or on the stomach [3].

    Try to nudge your partner or place a pillow beneath if you catch them sleeping on their back the next time.

    5. Try anti-snoring pillows

    You can also opt to try other sleep aids to help prevent snoring from occurring. One useful sleep aid is an anti-snoring pillow. It works by providing proper neck support and alignment such that your head remains elevated and your airways are clear. Ensure that you choose a good quality anti-snoring pillow that is suitable for your sleep position.

    6. Wear headphones or earplugs

    woman wearing headphones or earplugs, sleep with someone who snores

    Another common way to muffle or lessen the snores of your partner is to buy yourself noise-reducing or sleep headphones or earplugs. Blocking out the sounds from your environment can help to make your nights more pleasant and promote better sleep quality.

    7. Encourage your partner to get evaluated

    If your partner’s snoring starts to feel concerning or worrisome, you might want to speak to your partner about it and encourage them to get it evaluated by a sleep specialist. Doing a sleep study may be useful in determining if their snores suggest that they have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

    In the event that they are diagnosed with sleep apnea, they may be considered for CPAP therapy or BiPAP therapy as treatment options.

    shuteye logo
    Reduce your snoring level with ShutEye App!

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    How Can Someone’s Snores Negatively Impact Your Health?

    Snoring can cause sleep disruptions which may contribute to sleep deprivation. In the long term, this may lead to various health implications. For example, a night with less than 6 hours of sleep leads to obesity, and less than 5 hours leads to an increase in mortality risk by 15% [4], [5].

    Moreover, it can also lead to an increased risk of:

    • High blood pressure
    • Heart disease
    • Diabetes 
    • Memory loss
    • Bad mood
    sleep with someone who snores can negatively impact your health


    Trying to get proper sleep around a partner who suffers from chronic snoring is never an easy feat. However, you can adopt strategies such as going to bed earlier, using white noise, helping them to adjust their sleep position, and more to minimize snoring and fall asleep better at night.

    Alternatively, you may also encourage your partner to keep track of their sleep habits and snoring patterns with the ShutEye® app. ShutEye® comes with an advanced sleep-tracking and snore-recording feature to help you improve your sleep quality.

    Monitor your snoring patterns with ShutEye App!
    Try FREE for 7-Days!

    You can block out your partner's snoring by following some of the strategies that we have listed above. If it doesn't seem to work, you may want to encourage your partner to speak with a sleep specialist for proper assessment and possible treatment options.

    You can sleep peacefully by using white noise, using earplugs, investing in an anti-snoring pillow, or focusing on creating a comfortable sleep environment.

    Yes, it can. While it can cause a strain in relationships, communication and taking steps to find the right solutions can help. It's important to work as a team and find strategies to minimize the impact of snoring.
    About authors
    Jessica Brown, a 29-year-old freelance copywriter passionate about human nature and deeply committed to promoting sleep and mental health awareness. Jessica holds a Master of Arts in Literary Studies from the National University of Singapore and a Bachelor's in Biology from the University of Cambridge.
    Siti Amirah
    Amirah is a content writer passionate about topics related to mental health and wellness. Recently, she delved into the realm of sleep health, spurred by a personal recognition of her subpar sleep habits and a desire for improvement. Amirah holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Communication Studies from the University of Nottingham.
    Dr. June Seliber-Klein, MD DABPN is a board-certified sleep specialist with more than 25 years of experience in sleep medicine.

    British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association (2018) Sleeping Position [online]. Available at: https://britishsnoring.co.uk/why_do_i_snore/sleeping_position.php

    Colten, H. R., Altevogt, B. M., & Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Sleep Medicine and Research (Eds.) (2006) Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation: An Unmet Public Health Problem. National Academies Press (US) [online]. Available at: https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/11617/chapter/5

    Kohatsu NDTsai RYoung T, et al. Sleep Duration and Body Mass Index in a Rural Population. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166(16):1701–1705. doi:10.1001/archinte.166.16.1701

    Marks, J. and Newswire, I. (2022) Did you know snoring is the 3rd leading cause of divorce? Here’s how to stop it. [online]. Available at: https://www.news4jax.com/health/2022/08/26/did-you-know-snoring-is-the-3rd-leading-cause-of-divorce-heres-how-to-stop-it/

    Mute Snoring (2023) The 2023 Snoring and Sleep Report [online]. Available at: https://mutesnoring.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2023_SnoringReport_GLOBAL.pdf

    Yale Medicine (2024) Snoring [online]. Available at: https://www.yalemedicine.org/conditions/snoring


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